It is disgusting. For me, the angular cheilitis is brought on by cold weather. I get cold sore looking things at the corners of my mouth. They start to heal at night. Then in the morning or when you open your mouth at all, they crack and bleed = infection starts and spreads out. Mine wasn't as bad as that photo, but you get the idea.
When I had angular cheilitis last year, it got really bad. I decided to be dude-like and I didn't go to the doctor. NOT THIS YEAR, I immediately went right over the SOHO walk-in clinic (no wait, and completely free - I could get used to National Health Care). The second the nurse practitioner saw me, she said I had a vitamin/mineral deficiency. She game me a vitamin and mineral supplement - the minerals are the really key part - and a tub-o-Vaseline. Nothing fancy.
That's it, a vitamin/mineral deficiency? I thought she was crazy. I'm not dieting or anything weird like that. I am really healthy, so there! But then I started thinking about the missed dinners (remember, "eatin is cheatin" here in London), the poor snacking habits since we NEVER have a stitch of food in the house, and the hard workouts I had been doing, and thought, well maybe......
It seems for me, the condition is brought on by:
- Cold weather
- Poor diet (specifically lacking riboflavin, zinc, and especially iron)
- Hard running and swimming workouts
This bastard infection can be stubborn! Google "angular cheilitis" and you will get a million stories, products, and home remedies. I have read about them all. After learning my lesson last year when the infection got so bad I didn't want to go outside, I followed the nurse practitioner's advice exactly (and any comments from my husband on the Vaseline and he will get punched):
- Wash the lower part of my face with a tiny bit of mild dish soap before bed
- Vaseline-up my lips and surrounding area after washing with the dish soap
- ALWAYS keep Vaseline on hand and make sure to slather frequently
- Take a quality vitamin AND mineral supplement diligently every day on an empty stomach
So after some fits and starts over the last month or so (it can take a while for the body's iron stores to replenish), my face is almost better. Again, I have to be really diligent with moisturizing, especially if I am outside in the cold. I have also cut out any junk like popcorn, candy, croissants (unless in France bien sur), breads, and some fresh fruit. I replaced it all with high iron and nutrient foods, such as eggs, nuts, dried fruits, meats, shellfish, etc. I am also trying to make sure I eat 2-3 solid MEALS, instead of snacking, since I tend to get more protein and high-nutrient foods incorporated that way.
Anywho, sorry if this is TMI. I just thought it might help someone else, because the condition really sucks to have.
Cutting out popcorn, candy, croissants, breads, some fruit?
What the hell is left?
Aw man, that sucks. Heal fast, and come back to California where the junk food only makes us hefty.
The health care isn't free -- someone is paying for it, just not you. Be sure to go thank a neighbour...
Fred, we are paying for it. Council tax bill is payed directly by us and I'm paying some fairly hefty UK income tax.
Funny how I developed the same thing in London! Wth is with this place?
Omg i hope iron helps me. I havent been to the dr yet. But iv had this problem for 5 month and none of the creams i used from zinc, bacitracin, tea tree, chap stick has helped. Im a nurse and its getting embarrassing.
I ment the creams iv used havent helped..
Along w cold weather and dieting, I've found that frequently consuming salty foods like popcorn and potato chips lead to an AC outbreak or make a current outbreak worse. The cure that works for me is frequent dabs of hand sanitizer on the slices. You can feel it working instantly. If I frequently begin using hand sanitizer immediately after a slice appears, it will usually be gone in 2-3 days.
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