Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Degas and Friends - A Great Day

Today I went to see a Degas exhibit at the Palace of Fine Arts. Edgar Degas did all the ballerina paintings, by the way. My favorite was the Blue Dancers, which I am not sure if I can post a photo of without getting sued or something, so here is a LINK if you want to see it. I went with R.C. and a absolutely lovely friend of a friend that I went to high school with named Mimi. Mimi is traveling around the world for an extended period of time. She isn't sure where she is headed next (well after her upcoming 2 weeks in Morocco) or how long she will keep traveling. I just love that!!!! Plus she lived in France for a year in college, which makes her even cooler in my eyes.

We had lunch after the exhibit and shared our travel stories, the good, bad, and ugly. Even the bad experiences have the benefit of becoming good, sometime hilarious, stories. And then there are those amazing moments of connection to a place or person (or sheer drunkeness) that make you feel alive. We must have talked for 2 hours over lunch and then TEA, of course - I felt so British.

In other news we are going to PARIS on Friday on the Chunnel. I am so excited I could burst. I freaking love Paris and using my very sad French on those poor innocent Parisians. I also booked our hotel in Madrid for our trip with K.M. and the Snowtrain for our ski trip in France in March - can I tempt you A.V. and J.V. Life does not suck, trust me I am appreciating every moment of my overseas experience.

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