Sunday, June 26, 2011

My Life in 3 Bags; and Other Reasons Why I Am Too Old for a Futon

Well here it is, the next 2 years of my life in 3 very heavy, overstuffed bags. Dave is running about the same--two huge bags and a laptop bag. There are like 3 other backpacks stuffed in the green one, as I will be needing all sizes of travel accoutrements.

I only had one moment of near tears where I couldn't fit everything I wanted to bring into my bags. Shi-, mother effer. OK take a step back, breathe, make piles again, sort.......maybe all those t-shirts are not necessary (must think cold and rain). I ditched the summer stuff in lieu of a sweater dress. I also didn't bring my wetsuit, which I might regret if a trip to the surf beaches of San Sebastian occurs.

I couldn't compromise on the running gear, 2 pairs of running shoes are required for the weather there. Putting a dry foot into a wet shoe is horrifying. Rotation of at least 2 pairs is necessary.

On another note, we got rid of the futon we bought like 10 years ago from my lovely friends RY and HY (when they moved to Sweden). We "sold" it during our awesomely successful FREE FOR ALL yard sale; trashy - but effective.

Sure Dave, we can carry the futon out of the house, no problem. OMG I jacked myself big time and was a miserable byotch the next day because I couldn't move my upper body--even after like 6 Advil and 6 Tylenol. Idiot.

Well, we got the tenants in, sold the Subaru, and are in Tahoe. Time for a nice long hike with Sammy. The next step of the journey puts us in Salt Lake City, then on to LONDON!

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