Thursday, February 9, 2012

Taming the Hydrangea

Well, I did it. I finally trimmed the sad, diseased hydrangea in our "back yard" - which is not much more than a bit of dirt and some tile. We did a whole replanting of the garden area a few months back. It has worked out nicely. I lost some lavender this winter, but otherwise all the herbs and plants are doing really well. 

Here is what the garden used to look like, basically an overgrown nightmare. This took some work to clean up for sure.

I went to go take a picture of what it looks like now, but it is too dark...... I know, what a terrible lead in, "I cleaned up the garden and it looks great, if only you could see it". Wow, I suck. I will take photos and post since I know all five readers out there are just dying to see my replanted masterpiece.

Well the Mister comes home tomorrow. I am enjoying my last hours of aloneness. My big dilemma is whether to see Young Adult (starring the incredibly lovely and talented Charlize Theron) or go to bed early and read more Hunger Games. My life is soooooo complicated. I'm sure you are all feeling sorry for me now. Oh I also had my Battersea Dogs and Cats Home tour/interview/informational meeting. There are like 45 people for 28 positions and they had over 100 applicants. Wish me luck!

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